For over 85 years, Espoma's "Tone" series of plant foods have defined the naturally beautiful garden. The famous Holly-Tone Plant Food is for acid-loving plants, such as hollies, azaleas, camellias, evergreens, hydrangeas, dogwoods, blueberries, strawberries and rhododendrons. It is rich in natural organics and enhanced with microbes.
Bio-Tone Starter Plus is an all-natural plant food that is combined with a stronger concentration of our beneficial bacteria along with mycorrhizal fungi. The ideal starter plant food, it will increase root mass and help avoid transplant loss in difficult planting conditions.
The Espoma "Tone" line also includes specialty fertilizers for tomatoes, roses, citrus, palm, and bulb plants, as well as all purpose Plant-Tone, Flower-Tone, and Garden-Tone.