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Updated: Sep 20, 2024


Every day is earth day at Marshall Grain but especially on April 22 when we coordinate our activities with a worldwide network of organizations committed to conserving and protecting the earth’s resources.

You don’t have to be part of a large organization to make a difference, either. In fact, at Marshall Grain, we believe that gardeners have a special role to play in helping to protect our local environments. From the plants you choose to your watering practices to the pesticides and herbicides you apply, your garden can either be a death trap for birds, bees, butterflies, and other wildlife, or a welcoming habitat where they can eat, drink and even be merry.

Here’s what’s at the top of our gardener’s “to do” list:

  • Switch to organics — just by using organic products instead of chemical herbicides and pesticides you can reduce pollution of our soil and water supply.

  • Go Native — Plant drought-tolerant native annual wildflowers, perennials, shrubs, and trees to reduce the need for irrigation and support our native wildlife — including reptiles, birds, bats, and mammals.

  • Build a pollinator-friendly garden — Provide food, water, and nesting sites for native bees, hummingbirds, fruit bats and other pollinators.

  • Use smart watering practices  — Save 30% or more on your water bill and reduce wasted water.

  • Feed the birds — Enjoy beautiful songbirds that eat common garden pests.

  • Install a rain barrel — Collect rainwater and use it to water your garden instead of hitting the tap.

  • Create a Monarch Watch Waystation — Help save this endangered butterfly by creating a special stop-over for Monarchs with nectar sources, water, and larval plants.

  • Join the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge — Once you’ve created your pollinator-friendly garden,  join the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. The site displays a map of pollinator-friendly gardens across North America that are replacing lost habitat one garden at a time. Register your site and help inspire other gardeners around the country to do the same.

Visit our store to find out what else you can do right now in your own backyard to help save the planet!

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