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#SucculentLove - How To Grow & Care For Cacti and Other Succulents

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

Our first-ever Facebook Live Stream video tells you everything you need to know about cacti and other succulents -- whether you want to grow them indoors as houseplants or outside in a rock garden, you'll enjoy having them around.

How to Grow Succulents

Caring for succulents is easy! Because these plants are native to drought-prone areas, they have developed the ability to store water in the flesh of the plant to last them through long periods without water.

How to Care for Indoor Succulents

Plant your succulent in a pot that has good drainage. Choose a pot that has at least one drain hole on the bottom. If water is unable to drain out of the pot, your plant will rot and die.

Plant them in soil designed specifically for cacti or succulents. Do not use regular potting soil. Most potting soils are too thick and heavy and hold too much water. Succulents are adapted to loose, gritty, nutrient-poor soil.

Succulents hail from hot, dry climates and love plenty of sunshine. Make sure they receive at least 6 hours per day of direct sunlight. The best location will be in a west or east facing window.

Water Deeply & Infrequently

Succulents are accustomed to going for long periods without watering. Over-watering can cause damage and possibly even death, so water heavily but not often.

They should be watered no more than once per week and can often go for a month or more without watering. One way to determine if your succulent needs water is to gently squeeze the flesh of the plant. If it fills plump and full, it still has plenty of water. If it feels rubbery like a slightly deflated balloon, it's time to give it a good soaking.

Succulents should also be kept warm. In the summer months, they prefer temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees F. In winter, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below about 50 degrees F. If you are growing your succulents outdoors, you will probably need to bring them inside during the winter to prevent them from freezing.

Propagating Your Succulents

  • Remove a leaf from below the main flowering element

  • Let the leaf dry and become calloused

  • When calloused, the leaf will turn splotchy, discolored or brittle

  • Set your leaf on top of the soil and give it a small amount of water

  • When roots appear, remove the parent leaf. Be careful not to damage the new roots.


There are thousands of different kinds of succulents and they come in almost as many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Once you get started with them, you're likely to become a collector. You may even have to move into a bigger home!

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