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Plant Paradise: Discover
What Just Bloomed In!

Visit us today: 5311 Colleyville Blvd., Colleyville 76034
Local Nurseries Offerings
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Texas Redbuds Are In Full Bloom!

Texas Redbuds put on a show in early spring as their gorgeous pink-purple flowers appear on bare wood before the leaves emerge. These small-statured ornamental trees have heart shaped or kidney shaped leaves (depending on the variety) that turn from light green to gold in the fall. Even their seed pods are showy, turning a reddish purple that hang on the tree into the winter.​


Varieties Available:

  • Ruby Falls

  • Golden Falls

  • Rising Sun

  • Zigzag

  • Burgundy Hearts​


5-Gal. — 10-Gal.,

$149.99 — $289.99​

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$4 Off
Straw Bales

Straw bales have so many uses — from mulching strawberries to building a raised bed planter to lining animal beds or adding to your compost pile. It's sustainable and eco-friendly. 


Take home a bale today!


Large Bale,

Reg: $19.99

SALE: $15.99

Composted Manure Now Available

Composted cattle manure is not only a natural fertilizer, but also an important food source for beneficial soil organisms. These organisms help make nutrients available to plants, aerate the soil, and help to keep harmful organisms and pathogens in check. Mix it with your existing soil or use it as a top dressing to add fresh nutrients to your soil.


1 cu. ft. bag,


Mystic Spires Salvia Is A Brilliant Star in Native Gardens

A naturally compact and well-branched salvia with dark green leaves covered by masses of true blue flowers. Mystic Spires is a sturdy, vibrant, heat-loving variety of native salvia. This perennial is excellent in any sunny bed.


3-Gal. pots,


Begonias for
Sun & Shade

A traditional annual in American gardens, begonias  produce flowers in beautiful shades of red, white, pink, and yellow, and they perform well in shade or medium sun (depending on the variety).


4-Inch pots,


Enrich Your Veggies with Minerals

Make your homegrown organic herbs and vegetables even healthier by adding essential minerals! Texas Green Sand is like a vitamin shot for your  veggies and other plants! Green sand is glauconite, which is rich in iron, potassium, and trace minerals, which get absorbed by your edibles and then passed on to you. 




Green Sand also has great moisture holding capacity and remains friable without compacting, making it a great soil amendment for clay soils while improving nutrient retention in sandy soils.


40lb bag,

Reg: $18.99

SALE: $16.99

Your Favorite Tomato Varieties Are On Sale!

Ready to grow the juiciest tomatoes of your life? Our starter plants are bursting with vitality and ready for your garden! Whether you're craving sweet cherry tomatoes for salads or meaty beefsteaks for sandwiches, we have the perfect varieties to help you grow your own flavorful, organic harvest. Stop by today to choose from our carefully nurtured selection.


4-inch pots,


SALE: $3.39

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Act Now to Prevent Weeds & Save $2!

Weed season peaks in North Texas during February and March, which means you need to put down Corn Gluten Meal NOW!


Corn Gluten Meal is a highly effective organic pre-emergent herbicide that stops seeds from germinating before they can deface your lawn. And it keeps working for up to 60 days to help reduce unsightly lawn weeds. Apply it now and again in the fall to enjoy fewer weeds.


​40lb bags,


Reg: $47.99

SALE: $45.99


Spreadable Granules:

Reg: $49.99

SALE: $47.99

landscape Design drawing with hand holding pencil
Call Us for Landscape Design & Installation

Trust Marshall Grain Co. to help you beautify your garden and other outdoor living spaces. Our experienced and professionally trained landscape designers and installation crews are committed to providing you with creative and functional solutions for all types of landscaping challenges, while creating lasting landscape designs that will thrive in our harsh Texas climate. 


We also offer customized organic maintenance plans.


Give us a call today!



10% Off Fruit Trees for North Texa!

Enjoy fresh, sun-ripened fruit from your own fruit tree! Plant your favorite fruits to feed yourself and your family for years to come. They'll be sweeter and juicier than anything you buy from the grocery store! Now is the time to get your orchard started.​


What's Available:

  • Apple

  • Avocado​

  • Figs

  • Goji Berry

  • Peaches

  • Pears

  • Plum

  • Nectarines


3-Gal. — 5-Gal.,

$49.99 — $69.99​

SALE: $44.99 — $62.99

Golden Pacific Juniper Casts a Glow 

This carpet-forming evergreen groundcover Juniper has golden yellow color that is at its brightest in full sun. Will grow only 10 to 15 inches tall and 3 to 8 feet wide. An excellent groundcover or for cascading over walls.​


2-gal. pots,


African Daisies Take The Summer Heat

In North Texas, African Daisies (Cape Daisies)  bloom from early spring until the high heat of summer when they take a pause, and then start blooming again in  the fall. They grow to be 1-3 ft. tall and 1-2 ft. wide. You'll find a variety of colors in stock right now! Use them in hanging baskets and containers or as borders, in rock gardens, or as ground covers.


Hanging baskets: $29.99

1-Gal. pots: $12.99

Qt. pots: $9.99

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4-2-2 Turf Food Greens Up Your Lawn

Poultry litter and Mychorrhizal fungi work together in this organic turf food to green up your lawn faster than other organic nitrogen sources. Nature's Creation 4-2-2 Turf Food is clean, uniform, and easy to spread for virtually dust free application. 


40lb bag,


Nandinas Offer Striking Foliage

One of the many varieties of Nandina we currently have in stock is "Blush Pink." Unique, blush-colored young foliage and deep green mature foliage make Blush Pink perfect as a low hedge, mass planting, or a color accent to evergreen shrubs. Its small stature makes it perfect for any garden. It matures at 2 to 2.5 feet tall and 2.5 to 3 feet wide.


3-Gal. pots,


Sweet Potato Vine for Containers and More

The super-popular fast-growing sweet potato vine is a favorite as a "spiller" in all your containers, or as a groundcover. It loves full sun and spreads to four feet or more to fill in just about any space!


4-inch pots,


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Control Grubs, Fire Ants with Nematodes

Nematodes are microscopic beneficial worms that seek out and consume soil-dwelling larvae such as grubs, fire ant eggs, flea eggs, and many other pest species. They're an invisible guardian in your lawn and beds. Water them into your soil and let them go to work for you today!


1/4 acre: $32.99

1/2 acre: $51.99

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Sustane Fertilizer Returns

Suståne fertilizer is derived from aerobic, concentrated compost – rich in humus, dense in nutrients and biologically active. Recommended by organic gardening expert Lucy Harrell, Sustane is simply the best organic fertilizer available. Try it and see the difference!


20lb bag,


Sale Ends March 27, 2025 unless otherwise noted.

Suppliers of Organic Gardening Products, Native Plants, and More Since 1946


5311 Colleyville Blvd., Colleyville, TX, 76034

Phone: 817-416-6600

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